Elle's Make-Believe Emporium!
Service Description
Join actor Elle and Buzzy the Zebra in her exciting, multi sensory adventures. Each week Elle will be using song, movement and interactive storytelling to capture your child's imagination, develop their motor skills and feed their creativity. This week: Myths and Legends! Join me to sing some songs including “A Sailor went to Sea”, “Puff the Magic Dragon” and “BINGO”. I will also be telling the famous Irish legend The Children of Lír for storytime! We will also revisit some of our favourite nursery rhymes to get us warmed up, such as “Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”. Materials: the story of The Children of Lír is full of magic, so bring a magic wand! You can use a drum stick / wooden spoon or anything else you can find.

Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
0208 126 5577