We specialise in creative babysitting to match your personal circumstance. We can cater to all kinds of scenarios and match you with the perfect babysitter (or mentor for older children):
Any age between 0-15
School pick-ups and after school care
Service can be offered in your chosen language (English, French, Spanish, Italian and more)
Special occasions like weddings or birthdays
Difficult situations such as divorces or separation
The sitter we match you with will be sensitive to your personal circumstance and provide the best possible care for your child.
All babysitting sessions are structured with a multidisciplinary aspect: they all have elements of movement, music and crafts. Early exposure to the creative arts promotes the development of fine motor, speech and social skills to name only a few.
O - 5 years

6 - 10 years
We encourage families to continue choosing our sitters who offer sessions with a multidisciplinary aspect until their children show a specific interest in a certain creative expertise. We will then match your child with a sitter expert in that field and in working with children of their age group. For some children, rotating sitters with different creative skills and expertises can be more beneficial.

The teenager will be likely to have a specific interest (s)he wants to explore further, such as practicing an instrument, conversing in a foreign language, painting, etc, we will match a creative mentor with the specific skill set(s) required who will come to your home and accompany your child alongside this journey.
11 - 15 years